Ad Block

Are you currently using Ad Block or a similar tool on your browser or mobile device? Chances are your answer is yes. According to Page Fair and Business Insider Australia, Ad Blocker usage is up 30% and doesn’t seem to be slowing. The main reasons for usage seem to be security, interruption, slow website loading time, and too many ads on webpages.


Ad Block has proved to be successful, however, there is an emergence of so called ‘ad block walls’ that require the user to disable ad blocker in order to view website content. PageFair found that 74% of those encountering an ‘ad block wall’ just moved away from the website instead of taking the time to disable Ad Block/whitelist the website.

Google has been rumored to be coming up with its own ‘acceptable ads policy’ to try to regulate, only allowing the least annoying ‘acceptable ads’ that meet certain standards, to appear on its channels such as YouTube. There is yet to be further developments regarding the policy and I honestly don’t know how it will technically work.

Do you use Ad Block, why/why not? Do you think there should be a fair system in place to regulate the world of online advertising?
